Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

New Mapoon QLD

New Mapoon

Postcode: 4876

New Mapoon is an area South of Seisia and West of Bamaga at the tip of Cape York Peninsula.

The people who live at New Mapoon were forcibly moved from Marpuna in the early 1960s to accommodate mining expansion on their traditional country. They now have historical association and administrative responsibility for a DOGIT area on the traditional country of the Gudang people. The residents of New Mapoon have a ranger service, which works closely with the Injinoo and other Northern Peninsula Area (NPA) community rangers to undertake land management practices in the NPA.

The New Mapoon Community is situated between Bamaga and Seisia. The community was relocated to its present site in 1963/64 from Mapoon (known as Old Mapoon). It is a small Aboriginal community with historical and relational ties to Old Mapoon just north of Weipa.

New Mapoon has an estimated population of 348 (as of June 2001), with about 97 per cent of the total population being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.