Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

Thorneside QLD


Postcode: 4158

Thorneside is a coastal locality within the Redland Shire, Queensland. The population of Thorneside in 2001 was 3381.

The locality is named after the railway station, originally named Thorne’s siding after William Thorne who bought a lot of land around Thorneside when it was originally subdivided in. At that time the land was known as Thorne’s estate.

Residential development in the suburb is predominately comprised of housing estates built around Thorneside Road and Mooroondu Road.

In Thorneside (Statistical Local Area), the most common occupations for employed persons were Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers 11.4%, Tradespersons and Related Workers 9.2% and Professionals 7.7%. The least common occupation was Advanced Clerical and Service Workers 1.6%.

In Thorneside (Statistical Local Area), of the occupied private dwellings being rented 36.4% of dwellings were rented from a real estate agent, 8.4% were rented from a State/Territory housing authority and 52.8% were rented from an other landlord type.