Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

Westlake QLD


Postcode: 4074

Westlake is about 14km from Brisbane’s CBD. Over 62% of households in the area are couples with children, 28% are couples without children and 8% are single parent households. 96% of the dwellings in this area are stand-alone houses, with townhouses accounting for a further 3.5%. The houses are mainly modern brick and tile houses on reasonable sized blocks, and there are plenty of parks and recreational facilities in the area.

There are plenty of dining options around West Lake. If you’re looking for a local café, take-away, pub or restaurant you’ll find it here.

Amazons Central at Jindalee, Riverhills Shopping Centre at Riverhills and Park Village Shopping Centre at Middle Park are just some of the shopping options in this area.

If you’re looking for playgroups, childcare, kindergartens or schools in this area, you’ll find them here.