Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

Boinka VIC


Postcode: 3490

Boinka is a locality situated on the Mallee Highway in the Sunraysia region of Victoria, Australia. The place by road is situated about 4 kilometres east from Tutye and 8 kilometres west from Linga. It has a population within a 7-kilometre radius of approximately 28 people.

The name Boinka is likely to come from nearby indigenous people of Lake Hindmarsh to whom the word Boinka meant in their language “flat black beetle”.

The location has a rich history of settlement and is the subject of a photograph collection within the archives of the Museum of Victoria. The Boinka State School (No 3800) is listed as a part of Heritage Victoria, owned by the Crown Reserve and managed by Rural City Council of Mildura.

Boinka is the easternmost border point of the Murrayville Landcare Group area of concern, which in total takes in 319,175 hectares including 985 kilometres of roadside in the central west of the Mallee Region.

Boinka is listed within the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 as being one of only two places where Pale Myoporum (Myoporum brevipes Benth.), a decumbent or erect shrub of up to 2 metres in height (widespread in South Australia), is known to grow indigenously outside of that location.

Boinka is at the furthermost southern edge of the Rural City of Mildura Local Government area and as such it indicates the point where, unlike other Local Government areas outside of Melbourne, employees actually gain the full public holiday known as Melbourne Cup Day which occurs on the first Tuesday each November.