Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

Boundary Bend VIC

Boundary Bend

Postcode: 3599

Boundary Bend is a small town in the state of Victoria, Australia. It is near the junction of the Murray River and Murrumbidgee River. It is located about 50 kilometres east along the Murray Valley Highway from the twin towns of Robinvale in Victoria and Euston in New South Wales, about 90 km north of Swan Hill.

The access to the junction of the two rivers is down a track off the highway. It was at this point that Captain Charles Sturt and his party of explorers first sighted the Murray River in 1830. They had travelled down the Murrumbidgee, and continued downstream along the Murray in their whaleboat.

Until recently, there were two Paddle Steamer hulls located just underwater on the southern bank of the Murray River. These were named the Canaly and Hero and the hulls were raised and removed for restoration in December of 1997. The Hero is now operational, but due to the low water levels of the Murray it has not been able to leave the Port of Echuca where it was restored. The Canaly is about half restored in Mildura.

The town is popular for its fishing and relaxed lifestyle.