Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

Woods Point VIC

Woods Point

Postcode: 3723

Woods Point is a small town in Victoria, Australia. The town began as a general store built by Henry Wood, to service the gold diggings around the recently discovered Morning Star Reef. By 1864, only three years after the discovery of the gold reef, the area had become a thriving town with 36 hotels. The town was subdivided into numerous suburbs, such as Waverly, Piccadilly, Killarney, Richmond, and Morning Star Hill. Communication was established via a telegraph line to Jamieson, and two local papers were in circulation.

From the 1870s to 1890s, mining activity declined, and the population dropped to between 100 and 200. The mining industry was revived in the 1890s, and the population grew once again, with four hotels servicing the town. Much of the town had to be rebuilt following devastating bushfires in 1939. The Morning Star Mine continued operations until its closure in 1963. The population of Woods Point currently stands at around 40.

The town now serves as a hub for recreational trail-bike and off-road four-wheel drive activities and contains one hotel and one general store/petrol station. There are three gold mines still active in the area surrounding the town.