Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

Yellowdine WA


Postcode: 6426

Yellowdine was founded in 1935, and is located east of Perth, Western Australia on the Great Eastern Highway. The townsite is in the Goldfields region, situated in the Shire of Yilgarn.

Yellowdine is 416 kilometres east of the capital city of Perth, and takes approximately 4 1/2 hours of driving to get there.

Yellowdine weather

Yellowdine has a minimum of 4 degrees celsius in July to 36 degrees in the summer heat of January.

There are two large rock formations nearby, being Karalee Rocks and Weowanie Rock. They are both popular stopes for people to stretch their legs and go for a hike or short bushwalk.

Suicide in Yellowdine

Yellowdine is also the home to Thomas Davidson’s grave. Thomas died at the age of 63 years, in May 1895 as a result of suicide by revolver. Mr Davidson was a a water borer who originally came from Galashields, Scotland.